Category: Whacked-out stuff

Over There

over-there-coverPublishers Weekly wrote of Over There “A let-out-the-stops effort at serious metaphysical comedy in the manner of Beckett or Burroughs, Jarrard’s first novel takes readers on a wild ride not just through time and space but through loopholes in language and meaning. Traveling from France to Texas to Mexico to Italy and back to France, this avant-garde tale traces the exploits of three generations of a family trying to reconcile their past, present and future. Taking a summer vacation to write a book about his grandfather Ansel’s mysterious disappearance, young Marc Du conjures up the old man and a cast of derisive and mocking characters. As part of his literary search, Marc Du recreates his father’s own search through Mexico for Ansel. Funny bits come from a speaking monkey, a surfing Nazi and the immense Sarah, who lives on an island in the Yucatan with her pet pig. Jarrard has an exuberant imagination and a facility with language.

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